Richmond SOL is all about community
Since the club’s inception in 2003, Richmond SOL has had a long and respected history of service in Richmond, California. Below are just a few of the highlights.
Health fairs
It’s great to see the whole family, not just our soccer players, enjoy exercise and good health. Sometimes during soccer practice at MLK Field, parents walk or run laps, or play with their younger children. If you’re making the effort to exercise, keep up the good work! It will pay off in long-term benefits to your health. Richmond SOL also likes to take part in health promotion events whenever possible.
Work days
In addition to annual park cleanups at MLK Field, Richmond SOL steps in when there’s a need to help beautify the city. The Cesar Chavez Dia de Servicio/Day of Service with multiple community partners in March 2019 was one such example. Dozens of Richmond SOL players, parents, coaches, and other volunteers joined the work (and the fun!) and did weed cleanup, trash pickup, planting and painting.
Food drives and more
We are approaching our 14th year of hosting an annual food drive in the city of Richmond. This event features free meals, free bags of nonperishable groceries, and free haircuts for men, women, and children. Thanks to dozens of community volunteers and donors, year after year we are able to help many of our Richmond neighbors in need. If you’d like to volunteer or donate to the event, please contact us.